Announcing GEM 2023
- Vinita Samarasinghe, M.A. M.Sc.
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- October 17, 2022
The website for the conference "Generative Episodic Memory: Interdisciplinary perspectives from neuroscience, psychology and philosophy", or GEM 2023 for short, is now live. https://for2812.rub.de/gem2023 Check out our key note speakers, PhD symposium and events for women. Stay tuned for updates on twitter @DFG_FOR2812 and return to our website to register after 01.11.2022.
The research unit FOR 2812 "Constructing scenarios of the past: A new framework in episodic memory" is a project funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG). The research unit studies the cognitive and neuronal mechanisms underlying scenario construction in episodic memory. We employ and integrate approaches from Philosophy, Psychology, and Experimental and Computational Neuroscience.

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